DID fields:

Field Name Descriptor
Uniqueid(new) Unique ID of a dam. Each dam include in our databases has a unique ID, incrementally assigned.
Resname Reservoir name. The reservoir where the dam is located.
Damname The most recognizable name of a dam. The names of Chinese dams are written in Chinese Pinyin.
Altname Alternative name of the dam. Some dams have more than one name, or the name has changed. In the case of a name change, the old name is here and the current name is under Damname.
Rivname River associated with the dam. English characters used for names in other languages.
Mainbasin Name of the main basin of a dam. English characters used for names in other languages.
Country Primary national owner of the dam. English characters are used for names in other languages.
Seccountry Other national owner. Some dams are multinational endeavors. English characters are used for names in other languages.
Year_begin_const Year that construction of the dam was begun.
Year_end_const Year that construction of the dam was completed and operational. Estimated construction year used for dams under construction.
Damhgtm The height of a dam, in meters. A dam's height is the vertical distance between the lowest point on the dam crest and the lowest point in the original stream bed measured at the toe of the dam.
Damlenm Length of the dam, measured in meters. The distance measured along the axis or centerline crest of the dam at the top level of the main body of the dam or of the roadway surface on the crest.
Areaskm2 The surface area of a dam’s reservoir as measured in square kilometers.
Catchkm2 Catchment size of the reservoir where the dam is located. Measured in square kilometers.
Popest1 The primary estimated number of population displaced by a dam. No standard unit of measurement exists, refer to measpopest1 for details.
Measpopest1 Unit of measurement for popest1. Units used may include individuals, households, families, etc.
Popest2 Many dams have more than one estimate of population displacement. This field is used for additional estimates, as needed. No standard unit of measurement exists, refer to measpopest2 for details.
Measpopest2 Unit of measurement for popest2. Units used may include individuals, households, families, etc.
Popest3 Some dams have more than two estimates of population displacement. This field is used for additional estimates, as needed. No standard unit of measurement exists, refer to measpopest3 for details.
Measpopest3 Unit of measurement for popest3. Units used may include individuals, households, families, etc.
Compplan Compensation the financial institution(s) planned to offer the people who were affected by dam construction. Note: planned compensation does not necessarily reflect compensation actually received. The reason why our research team set up 4 columns for this variable “compensation” is because sometimes we can find information on the compensation which is not numeral, and sometimes we can find both numerical and descriptive information, so we need to keep track on different information. This variable includes either numerical data or string data.
Compinfo Any additional comments or analysis on the compensation for people affected by dam.
Compmoney Monetary compensation actually received by affected people.
Measurement_unit_of_comp_money Type of currency used for monetary compensation.
Compnonmonetary Non-monetary compensation actually received by affected people.
Finance_inst Institution or institutions credited with financing the dam construction and/or operation.
Worldbank Presence of World Bank participation. A zero indicates no presence, a one indicates presence.
Minvuln List of any minority or vulnerable populations affected by the dam's construction as measured by social, political, and economic vulnerability.
Notes Overflow field for notes about the dam that did not seem to fit into any other field.
Longitude Longitude of the dam's location.
Latitude Latitude of the dam's location.
Benefits Benefits created by the dam, such as hydroelectric power generation, irrigation, flood control, etc.
Ecol_impacts Ecological and/or environmental impacts of the dam.
Dam_name_other_lang Dam name as written in its native script, such as Chinese characters or the Cyrillic alphabet.
District/county The regional jurisdiction where the dam is located, such as district or county.
Owner Institution, private actor, or nation-state that owns and disposes of the output of the dam.
Functions The functions the dam provides. Can include flood control, electric generation, and so on.
Status The construction or operation status of the dam. Possible values are Planned, Under construction, Canceled, or Complete.
Actual_cost The final cost of constructing the dam, not factored for inflation.
Year_actual_cost The year that "actual_cost" was calculated.
Guaranteed_capacity_10mw_upon_completion Note: We still need a definition for this. I know what guaranteed capacity means, but is it saying that you need to multiply the value in this field by 10mw?
Head_height_meter Refers to "hydraulic head," the height from which water descends to the hydro-turbine generator.
Altitude_at_site_meter Altitude of the dam's location, in meters above sea-level.
Type_of_dam The type of the dam, usually classified by the dam's structure or the materials used in its construction.


Citation DB fields:

Field Name Descriptor
uniqueid(new) Unique ID of a dam. Each dam include in our databases has a unique ID, incrementally assigned.
unique_citation_id Unique ID number corresponding to each source.
Citation Bibliographic information for the source.
reference_type(osu) This field uses a numerical classification system, from 1 to 14. Each number corresponds to a type of source, as follows:

1 Non-Governmental Organization
(NGO) Report 
2 Peer Review Journal 
3 Published Paper 
4 Magazine Article 
5 Website 
6 Book 
7 Academic Report 
8 Government Report 
9 Conference Report 
10 Press Advisory 
12 Environmental Impact Assessment 
14 GRanD Database